
Accurate Product Crosses to Enable More Sales

Welcome to XREF, a cross-referencing solution integrated into our plumbing engineering spec writing and quoting applications.

ATS XREF solves the problem of quickly finding accurate product crosses

XREF is embedded inside wholesalers quote platform so they can cross your product right at the time of quote.

Benefits of ATS XREF

Flexibility and Choice

Easily adapt to changing project needs and requirements by quickly switching to compatible alternatives.

Time Savings

Reduce the time spent on searching for alternative products manually. X-REF does the work for you, freeing up your time to focus on other critical tasks.


Crosses Maintained & Updated Daily

Keeping your product data current is crucial in the fast-paced plumbing industry. The ATS XREF tool ensures that all cross-references are maintained and updated daily. This continuous updating process guarantees that you always have access to the latest product information, specifications, and compatible alternatives. No more outdated data or missed opportunities; with ATS XREF, you’re always working with the most up-to-date information available.

Your Products are Pre-Loaded into Every Wholesaler AutoQuote Account

Simplify the quoting process by having your products pre-loaded into every wholesaler’s AutoQuote account. This feature ensures that your products are readily available to wholesalers, reducing the time and effort required to manually input product information. By streamlining the quoting process, ATS XREF helps to increase your product visibility and accessibility, ultimately driving more sales and improving customer satisfaction.

AI Recommends & Automatically Crosses Your Products into Active Quotes

Leverage the power of artificial intelligence with ATS XREF’s intelligent recommendation system. Our AI engine automatically assesses active quotes and suggests the best compatible alternatives for your products. This proactive approach not only saves time but also ensures that your products are always considered in relevant projects. The AI-driven recommendations enhance decision-making and promote the use of your products in a more efficient and effective manner.

Accurate Crosses Provide Critical Knowledge on Market Trends

Stay ahead of the competition with valuable insights into market trends provided by ATS XREF’s accurate crosses. By analyzing the cross-referencing data, you gain critical knowledge about which products are in demand, emerging industry trends, and how your products compare with others in the market. This information is essential for making informed business decisions, optimizing your product offerings, and strategizing for future growth.

XREF Reporting Example

XREF Can Be White Labeled to Include Only Your Products

Are you looking for industry specific tools that add value to your prospects to keep them coming back to your site? Let ATS provide you with customized software to generate more leads from your website.

Easy Integration

Get set up and going fast by using prebuilt data models and integration tooling features. Comes with instant integration to ATS SpecTool, Visual Spec Builder and more or use REST/web services for ease of integration with other enterprise applications.


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